New Insights into Autism - Strategies for Diagnosis and Recovery
Released on = July 26, 2006, 3:49 pm
Press Release Author = Innovative Healing
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Autism now affects 1 in 165 children, up from 1 in 10,000 thirty years ago. Environmental toxins and diet are thought to play a significant role.. Autism expert Dr. John Wilson will appear on the Access to Health Experts teleseminar series to explain his findings on autism, various treatment options, and how recovery is fully possible.
Press Release Body = Autism Pioneer Dr. John Wilson appear on Access to Health Experts for an exclusive interview on August 9, 2006. Dr. Wilson brings insight to the causes, and possible solutions, to the growing rate of autism in children; 1 in 165 children are now being affected, up from an average of 1 in 10,000 children diagnosed thirty years ago. This free interview is open to the public and is hosted by Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN.
Dr. John Wilson is a trailblazer for investigating the connection between autism and factors such as diet, environmental detoxification pathways, digestive functions and supplements. He believes that children who develop autism are not \"hard-wired\" for this disease, a belief held by many physicians.
Rather, genetically susceptible children may develop autism as a response to exposure to environmental influences, such as certain types of chemicals in food or the environment, or even a lack of specific nutrients. The following have been shown to play a significant role in connection to autism:
.Mercury or Thimerosal- a mercury preservative in childhood vaccinations, combined with a genetic inability to excrete this toxic metal .Food allergies- primarily of glutein and casein. Glutein is found in most baked goods containing wheat, oats, rye and barley. Casein is the principal protein in milk. .Severe physical sensitivities and allergies to inhalants, and environmental chemicals .About half of all autistic children have an inheritable metabolic impairment in their body\'s utilization of vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid
Dr. Wilson will be discussing these factors in detail, as well as specific treatments that have been shown as effective in helping children recover. Through explaining autism, symptoms to look for, and treatment options the success rate for early diagnosis and recovery continue to rise. According to Dr. Liz Lipski, "Early detection is the most important key to proper treatment and recovery." Also included in the interview are the following topics:
.Find out more about the program that parents and doctors have developed to help autistic children recover .Discover that there is hope in healing and normalizing these children .Learn more about chelation therapy- also used for people who have cardiovascular disease and strokes. .Find how immunizations and metal toxicity have caused a huge increase in the incidence of autism .Get resources for doctors and health professionals nationally who can help. To attend the free Access to Health Experts interview, visit:
Written and audio transcripts are available after the event from: Dr. John Wilson is board certified in Chelation Therapy, Environmental Medicine, and Neural Therapy. He has spent the last 12 years using biological principles in the treatment of autism. He works in accordance with D.A.N. (Defeat Autism Now) organization.
About Access to Health Experts: A monthly teleseminar interview series hosted by Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN. The program features interviews with many of the most prominent and authoritative experts in integrative medicine. Dr. Lipski is a nationally-known nutritionist and author of Digestive Wellness and Digestive Wellness for Children.
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Contact Details = Christopher Dennen, PhD 4 Sunny Ridge Dr. Asheville , 28804 $$country
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